May 18, 2011

Rituale Romanum

It's been a while since I've posted here but I've been doing some research at seminary that I thought might be beneficial to others with regard to the Rituale Romanum.

The Motu Proprio Summorum Ponticum extended the use of the adminstration of some of the sacraments in the forma extraordinaria:

Art. 9.1: The pastor, having attentively examined all aspects, may also grant permission to use the earlier ritual for the administration of the Sacraments of Baptism, Marriage, Penance, and the Anointing of the Sick, if the good of souls would seem to require it.

Art. 9.1: Parochus item, omnibus bene perpensis, licentiam concedere potest utendi rituali antiquiore in administrandis sacramentis Baptismatis, Matrimonii, Poenitentiae et Unctionis Infirmorum, bono animarum id suadente.

The Instruction Universae Ecclesiae clarifies the use of the older liturgical books:

24. The liturgical books of the forma extraordinaria are to be used as they are. All those who wish to celebrate the forma extraordinaria of the Roman Rite must know the pertinent rubrics and are obliged to follow them correctly.

24. Libri liturgici formae extraordinariae adhibeantur ut prostant. Omnes qui secundum extraordinariam formam Ritus Romani celebrare exoptant, tenentur rubricas relativas scire easque in celebrationibus recte exsequi.

28. Furthermore, by virtue of its character of special law, within its own area, the Motu Proprio "Summorum Pontificum" derogates from those provisions of law, connected with the Sacred Rites, promulgated from 1962 onwards and incompatible with the rubrics of the liturgical books in effect in 1962.

28. Praeterea, cum sane de lege speciali agitur, quoad materiam propriam, Litterae Apostolicae Summorum Pontificum derogant omnibus legibus liturgicis, sacrorum rituum propriis, exinde ab anno 1962 promulgatis, et cum rubricis librorum liturgicum anni 1962 non congruentibus.

35. The use of the Pontificale Romanum, the Rituale Romanum, as well as the Caeremoniale Episcoporum in effect in 1962, is permitted, in keeping with n. 28 of this Instruction and always respecting n. 31 of the same Instruction.

35. Salvo quod sub n. 31 huius Instructionis praescriptum est, ad mentem n. 28 ipsius Instructionis licet Pontificale Romanum, Rituale Romanum et Caeremoniale Episcoporum anno 1962 vigentia adhibere.

Seems straightforward no? Well . . . musca in unguentum est. (There is a fly in the ointment).

Here's my problem. The available options for the Rituale Romanum in reprints are the 1945 Rituale Romanum from Preserving Christian Publications and the 3 Volume Weller edition of the Rituale Romanum also available at Preserving Christian Publications. Neither of these are entirely in accord with the liturgical rubrics in effect in 1962. For example, the Weller edition does not expunge the abjurations of cult in the baptism of adults nor does it indicate where the vernacular is permitted in the administration of the sacrament of Baptism and for that matter I am unsure that the english given there is in accord with the english given recognitio in 1959. In addition to use the 1945 Rituale Romanum would require a process of updating by searching through the AAS or EL and even then how can I be sure I've gotten them all? The last latin typical edition of the Rituale Romanum was in 1952 but there are a number of changes that came afterwards right up to 1962. Of course, most of the changes are fairly simple but there are some major changes that are not so simple. The best that can be done right now is to lay one's hands on a used copy of the Collectio Rituum (1961, Practical Handbook of Rites Blessings and Prayers, The North Central Publishing Company: St. Paul Minnesota) or the Parish Ritual and/or Sacristy Manual from Benzinger Brothers approved by Card. Spellman also circa 1961. I'm lucky enough to have the former but that doesn't even solve all the problems. Hopefully at some point an interested publisher will reprint a fully compliant Rituale Romanum and usefully a Collectio Rituum for use in the United States.

I've done some preliminary research into this lacuna, back to 1950 so far, trying to find the corrections, additions, etc. so that someone with an older Rituale Romanum / Collectio Rituum could mark the changes and appropriately use the Rituale. Here's what I've come up with so far:

AAS 42 [1950], 795: Urbis et Orbis: Ingenti populi, October 31, 1950
Following the definition of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin, in the Litany of Loreto after the line Regina sine labe originale concepta, is inserted the line Regina in caelum assumpta.

AAS 46 [1954], 68: Variationes in rubricis missalis et ritualis romani, June 3, 1953
A change in the rubrics to Title V Chapter I, nos. 3 and 4, in the Praenotanda de hoc Sanctissimo Sacramento, and Chapter IV, no. 4, as well as Chapter V, nos. 1, 2 and 3. The change was made following the Apostolic Constitution Christus Dominus of Pope Pius XII changing the law of fasting before Holy Communion to one hour.

AAS 47 [1955], 414: Benedictionis maris, April 27, 1955
Inserted a blessing of the sea.

AAS 48 [1956], 844: Benedictionis lapicidinarum et marmorariae officinae, October 31, 1956
Inserted blessings for stone and marble quarries.

AAS 49 [1957], 1043: Benedictionis stationis radiophonicae, October 24, 1957
Inserted a blessing for radio stations.

S.C.R. N.D. 37/1959: Dioecesium Americae Septentrionalis, October 11, 1959
Permitted the use of the vernacular in the administration of the sacraments of Baptism, Matrimony and Extreme Unctio saving the exorcisms, blessings and formulas. Permitted the use of english enitrely in Matrimony outside of the Mass. Permitted the addition of english prayers after the funeral rites were completes where determined by the Ordinary.

AAS 52 [1960], 412: Litaniae Pretiosissimi Sanguinis D.N.I.C., February 24, 1960
Added the Litany of the Most Precious Blood

EL, 1960, 74, 133: (Ephemerides liturgicae) S. C. R. Prot. H. 10/959, November 27, 1959
Abolished abjuration of pagan, Jewish, Muslim and other sects from Title II, Chapter 4, no. 10 of the rite for baptism of adults.

AAS 52 [1960], 987: Laudibus in blasphemiarum reparationem, October 12, 1960
Added the invocation Benedictus Sanguis eius Pretiosissimus to the Divine Praises.

AAS 54 [1962], 310-338: Ordo Baptismi adultorum, April 16, 1962
Reordered the rite of baptism for the allowance of a seven step "catechumenate." If the rites were given all at once the previous ritual is followed. With the permission of the Ordinary however it may be broken up as described in the above document over seven steps.

Some of these are rather minor changes but others are significant. Further, the permission for the use of the vernacular in 1959 excludes the blessings found in Title IX De benedictionibus. Also remember that Summorum Pontificum derogates from any of the permissions and recognitions granted to vernacular in 1963/4.

1 comment:

Convenor said...

Dear Keith,

I've been reading your excellent post on the Rituale. I was wondering if you would consider contributing an article to a small Irish publication entitled CHRISTVS REGNAT:

I can be contacted at

God bless you!